Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fortress "Tower"

If you look up Fortress in the dictionary it will tell you 'Fortress' means a place that has been strengthened against attack.
I have to admit I'm growing a little fearful of baby #3 coming.  There are moments of my day that I find myself fully engaged with Khoen; teaching or instructing, at the same time Fletcher might need a word of discipline and countless minutes of follow through.  The thought races to my mind 'how will I ever manage a third?'  This morning as I was praying through this the Lord gave me a picture of Himself as my 'Fortress'.  He became a Tower for me to run into.  You might be thinking "oh yes, I know this song."  But today was the first time for me that I found things inside that 'tower' just for me.  I know your dying to find out what I found in that tower...  
I found safety from the wind of chaos
More ammo to fight the enemy who lies to me
More grace to respond to my kids and the other demands on me
More energy to stand on the foundation of Truth
More creativity to lead my kids with
More encouragement to pick me up
and silence to meet with my King...
Oh it was a good morning in the Fortress of my King who then lead me to the passage in Psalm 18:

'I love you, Lord;  you are my Strength.  Lord you are my rock, my Fortress and my Savior.'

This tower behind us is strong, it has been standing for 1100 years.
But my God is stronger, and He will stand forever!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Khoen the English sheep

So we live in a tiny village of maybe 400 people, and there are 2 churches. Of course. The catholic and the evangelical. We go to the sweet evangelical and are immensely enjoying it. It is the smallest church I've ever seen, and we don't understand more then a few words:) Anyway, khoen was invited to be in the Christmas play as a sheep. Truthfully I didn't know how he would do, he's never done anything like this before. We kept telling him he was going to be a sheep and that week we spent our "school" time talking about sheep and shepherds looking up various scriptures and telling him over and over that we are sheep and Jesus is our Shepherd. Well, when your american and move into a very small village your the talk of the town, unfortunately. So the week after the play after church a women came up to us and said, how wonderful khoen was and that everyone in town is talking about the "English sheep" we think its hilarious and odd, but I think they are starting to really embrace us into their family, which means so much to us. Now khoen goes around the house hooking Fletcher or daddy around the neck l Ike a shepherd and says " follow me". It's really sweet