So this story goes way, way back. Perhaps a whole decade. When I was in High School I remember coming across Genesis 3 where God lays the 'curse' before Eve. He tells her "I will greatly increase your pain in child birth." I was both terrified and intrigued by this response from God. He could have cursed Eve with anything, but He chose to curse her experience in bringing life into His world. The ONE thing she was 'called' to do, "be fruitful and multiply." I have always wanted to embrace this curse with her. Knowing that there must be something in it to learn or gain from in my relationship with the Lord. The One who had reason to put it on me. He must have had a plan in it, God doesn't do ANYTHING without a plan. So I determined to do it from that moment on.
A few months ago as Troy and I were preparing for our home birth he asked me if I was sure I wanted to have this baby at home and what value does it hold. In response I said "I'm not sure if there is any value in it, but if there is I most certainly don't want to miss it." He said, "fair enough I will stand behind you and beside you through it all."
To make a long story short, little Kaleah was 3 weeks late and therefore my 'home birth' plan was looking like it was not going to become a reality yet again. So, on Feb 18th Troy and I headed for the hospital to be induced. After 16 hours of labor and in the middle of the night I found myself mulling over The Curse. With every contraction that seemed to take my breath away and threaten breaking my body, I thought 'O God what a curse, this will be my death." then I heard it, the promise, 2 Tim 2:15 says, "but women will be saved through child bearing-- if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with propriety." It was like God said to me "yes, this will be your death, but I have saved you; you Michelle have faith in Me, and in you, Michelle, dwells My love. You will see My Holiness overcome you as you trust in Me, I will save you." So I pressed forward through the pain and the fear. This is the value I found...that at the point of no return it happened, my body...laid there cursed, but suddenly life lay there before me. I have never seen with my eyes the perfect picture of grace until that moment. My God, who laid the curse on me, was there to replace it with life. So we welcomed little Kaleah Pearl Pitney with a benediction for her middle name. Pearls; they come at great cost and with unfathomable pain, but they are so worth it. There is always value in pain.